
The next revision of MWC should focus on its role within a broader classroom technology ecosystem. A few current issues:

Separation of concerns

MWC provides task structures such as collaborative labs and project specifications, but there are other roles classroom technology needs to play which MWC currently does not fill, and which it probably should not fill. We need to be intentional and strategic in drawing the boundaries of what MWC does and what it doesn't do--to distinguish MWC from generic CS curricula but also to ensure that it supports and encourages teacehrs to adopt constructionist pedagogy while using it.

First, MWC will not provide calendaring--a mapping of particular activities to particular class meetings. Other software already does this, such as Learning Management Systems. A LMS should point into particular lessons and activities in MWC. Perhaps we could offer sample unit plans, but we want to resist compulsory pacing guides.

Second, MWC doesn't provide lesson plans. It doesn't tell teachers how and when to check in with students, how and when to structure groups, how to interact with off-task sudents, and what to do when the teacher is also stumped.

Third, MWC doesn't provide comprehensive coverage of CS topics. Our implicit stance has been that we teach programming as a means to the ends of interacting with powerful ideas through personally-meaningful projects. We are not targeting CS1, a foundational course for CS majors. This is why we are a bit casual with programming constructs (e.g. we don't emphasize testing, edge cases, and formal correctness) and CS topics (e.g. we don't emphasize mathematical rigor). We probably ought to be more explicit about this approach, and might also want to welcome the use of companion resources which cover the topics we introduce in more depth.

Fourth, MWC doesn't provide tools for grading. MWC probably should do more to support teachers in assessment, but the relationship between grading and assessment is complex and context-specific.

Clarify ontology

Currently the course is centered around labs and projects; do-nows, resources, and challenges, have all emerged through practice; other planned resources haven't been developed. What role should MWC have to other classroom media, such as class slides and student notebooks? Let's revisit the design patterns of what a MWC unit contains, so that we can maintain consistency as we keep developing new materials and courses.

In the interests of repeated practice and formative assessments, it would be helpful to have a more comprehensive bank of exercises aligned with the content of labs. Teachers might choose to use these differently.

Meet teachers, classrooms, and schools where they are

We have some open design questions:


Pedagogical content knowledge

Pedagogical shortcodes

In order to achieve consistency across lessons, I'd like to develop a set of pedago